Rescue Shit
Go behind the scenes with Pate and jme from Motley Zoo Animal Rescue. Learn about rescue, pet ownership, dog training, volunteering, fostering, and more- plus, hear the untold stories of the animals as told by this dynamic duo who have been partners for almost 16 years.
Despite the name, this is not an explicit podcast though the content is geared toward adults to learn in-depth about their pets and the world of animal welfare.
Rescue Shit
E20- Summer safety for dogs
Hear about some interesting facts about hot weather, which are really hard to imagine and find out some new ways to help support your dog (especially) during hot weather times.
Original music by Matt Setter and friend Sean!
Original content by Matt Setter and friend, Sean!
I am Jme. I'm Pate. And we are Motley Zoo Animal Rescue. This is our podcast Rescue Shit. Well, since the world is going through a record heat wave, we... I hate this weather. We decided that, we're gonna do some heat and summer kind of themed things, including dogs in hot cars. And this is something that no matter how many times, Everybody's told not to do it. Someone does and it's never good. And it's not just dogs, it's kids too. I mean, living in Florida, it is hot all the freaking time and it's ridiculously hot. And every year there's stories of dogs and children being left in hot cars. Well, I think the children, it's forgetting. I mean, okay, forgetting your children'cause a child otherwise. Could open the door and get out. So it's mostly babies that get forgotten and... Well, the toddlers or whoever's strapped in their car seat can't get out of their car seat. Right. But most people do not leave their children in the car. But they will leave their dogs in the car and they will think that it's okay even when it's not. So I actually have a thermometer in my car that I keep in there for the times that I have to stop somewhere, when I have an animal in my car, I put the thermometer on the seat. But I also leave the car on with air conditioning. Right? Because even if it's cold out, I'm not gonna be the one that has their window broken for leaving a dog in the car while I go into the store literally for five minutes. Right. I'm not gonna be that person. Exactly. So I leave the car on and I go in, but I also don't do long errands. If I have an animal in the car, I will specifically drop them off and go back out and do my errands. Right, because I mean, running into the store or running, you know, anywhere for just a minute. Mm-hmm. That can kill your dog. Well, it can be fatal for anyone left in the car because, what if the phone rings right and you get distracted? Well, and the reason I brought up the thermometer is because when I got in the car yesterday afternoon after an errand, my car said 135 degrees. I. The interior temperature was 135. But wait a minute, if you left it on the dashboard in the sun... I just left it on the console like between the two seats. Oh, okay. And it said 135 and that was not in direct sun. So I'm glad that you mentioned that because I've got, a temperature safety chart in front of me that I'd like to go over. So my thing is like when it hits 70 degrees, we're done. Mm-hmm. Like, not even, like if it's 70 degrees, we are driving, never stopping and all the windows are rolled down. Right. So In 75 degree weather. How long do you think it takes for it to reach a hundred degrees inside? 15 minutes? No. 10. Yes. Mm. 10 minutes. So you're like, I'm just gonna run in the store. Like how long is that damn line? Mm-hmm. So no, ain't worth it. Mm-hmm. And then it takes 30 minutes in 75 degree weather to be 120 degrees. Yeah. So half an hour and then that dog is toasty. Mm-hmm. So an 85. Degree weather. How long would it take to reach 90 degrees inside the car? Two minutes. No. One minute. No. I said higher. Oh, five minutes? Yes. Five minutes. That's just going in and getting your car keys? Yeah. I mean, yeah. I'm not saying car keys, like you forgot your wallet. Mm-hmm. You know what I'm saying? Mm-hmm. Like you're in the car and then you go back in the house. Mm-hmm. We're not even going, stopping in the store to go to the bathroom. No. Or you know, to grab something No. And walk in in aisles or whatever. No.'cause if you do, you need to leave the car on with the air. Yeah. And then, it takes seven to eight minutes to reach a hundred degrees. So less than 10 minutes is gonna be a hundred degrees in 85 degree weather. Mm-hmm. In a hundred degree weather, it can reach 140 degrees. In your car? 15 minutes? Mm-hmm. Well, I was gone for an hour and my car windows were closed. My car was in the sun and it was 90 degrees yesterday almost, and the car was 135. Crazy. Yeah. So this is all like, Fahrenheit, by the way. Yes. Because we're not Canadian. Correct. Well, I mean, or European, everyone. I was gonna say, everyone uses Celsius but us, right? I don't know how to use Celsius. I'm sorry. Oh, I know. 40 degrees is hot. Yeah. So I have my spare key. It's like technically like the valet key Uhhuh, and there's a little compartment in my car and I keep it there. So I leave my keys in the ignition. I take the valet key, I lock the car. I walk away and I leave the car on mm-hmm. Um, to, you know, get lottery tickets or, you know, get a drink from inside, the gas station or whatever. And actually the other day, there was no way to avoid having the dog in the car on our route and when we had to stop at the grocery store to get, a gift for our friend and I left the car on and he's like, why are you leaving the car on? I'm like, because we have a dog in there. And he's like, oh yeah. And I was like, normally he would be totally on that. Mm-hmm. But you know how quickly he's not used to my routine, right. Of thinking of who's in the car and what's going on and all that jazz. But it, it is like, Don't distract me when I'm getting in or out of the car either. Right. Because I don't wanna forget. Exactly. And that, I mean, and that's what happens with the kids. Mm-hmm. You know, like, oh, my routine, I go to work, I don't take the kid to daycare, and then they go to work and forget that their kids in the car. I mean it like, it's a horrible story and it's a horrible, it's, and it's a horrible story that you hear every year. Yeah. Well, and I mean, it would ruin your life. Oh my God. So it takes. Two seconds to constantly go through your, just go through your car when you get out and make sure nothing's in it. Yeah. Because you will be surprised how many times you could easily forget. Right. And then, so another, thing about the heat, because it's so hot here. Right. And one of the things is like, you know, our dogs like to go outside and play and so we, we have like little pools for them. Well, and my dogs, they like to bake themselves. Hmm. I mean, I've had to like pull them inside and get them out of the sun because they won't stop Right. Being in the sun. So, you know, you have to be very cognizant of that. When you have dogs that. You know, just access to shade and water. Mm-hmm. Doesn't necessarily mean they are going to monitor themselves. Right. Because my dogs don't. Right. And Miller who has seizures, yes. Like he, his seizures can actually, when he gets overheated, he can have a seizure and he's like a 80 to 90 pound Chesapeake pit bull mix and, He's stubborn sometimes when it comes to he loves to sunbathe, right? Oh, yeah. And then he gets mad at me because he wants to go play outside in the acre. Mm-hmm. And I'm like, dude, if you collapse and have a seizure, I cannot like get you, pick you up and then get you in the house. Because it's been so hot out, he's been delegated to, you know, inside the house or on the, on the deck. Mm-hmm. Only, mm-hmm. And he's not really happy about that. But you know what? Whatever, I don't care because at 88 degrees Fahrenheit dogs no longer lose heat through their skin, which means, you know, the paws, the pads, things like that. And they're prone to die from heat stroke. Mm-hmm. So the, that panting, I mean, and that's like one of the dangers that you have to think about and he doesn't think about it, so you have to think about it. Yeah. And then, you know, the dogs who are, most at risk, which we pay attention to in our daycare. Mm-hmm. And we make them come in. And sometimes we'll shut that door. Yeah. There's a dog door that has indoor access with air conditioning. And then outdoor access where they can, you know... It's like a run. Yeah. They have their own personal runs. Yeah. And then we have the yards. Right. And, we may have to like close their doors to keep'em inside. But the ones who are most at risk, of course, are our seniors. Mm-hmm. And then, our flat faced ones. Yeah. So, pugs, Ory, or brachycephalic or boxers even. Mm-hmm. You, yep. Anyone with a shortened snout. Some of the pitbulls have shortened snouts. Mm-hmm. Or bulldogs. Or Frenchies or, yeah. And then obviously a really hairy dog, like a Pomeranian or something like that. After two seconds of being on the deck, little Bailey was like, and I was like, okay, nope. She came from Texas. She should be used to the heat. Even when I was out there, like literally two minutes and I was like, Nope. Too hot for you. Put her back inside. Really? Mm-hmm. Little Bailey pom. She's like, fits in the palm of your hand. Yeah. That's funny. Pom and Palm. Actually, are like a pun for her. Yeah. Right. Mm-hmm. Okay. So, moral of the story is dogs die in hot cars. Leave your dogs at home and never in a car. The Teslas actually have dog mode and what, yes, it will run the car with the air conditioning on. Keeping it comfortable. Well, I guess like the cars where you have your, what is it called that the fobs or whatever, where you don't have a key. Yeah. But, but Tesla actually made dog mode. So if you see a dog in a Tesla and the car's on your dog is country, do not break that window. Yeah. But do you know that it's on? I mean, you can hear it's on, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So that's cool. But then you can make dog mode with your car. Mm-hmm. Just don't do it for a long period of time. And you know what I heard? So 31 states, And Washington DC have the hot car laws to protect animals. Only 31. Only 31. And then, but even where citizens are protected from liability or breaking in to rescue them, law enforcement typically needs to be called first. Hmm. So you need to call the police and no matter if you can break a window Yeah. You know, per the law. Well, and then, but, but you can intervene and maybe protected from civil or criminal liability under Good Samaritan Laws if you live in Arizona, California. Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, because it happens all the time. Mm-hmm. Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana. I didn't know that. Mm-hmm. Massachusetts, Ohio, Oregon. How come not Washington? Yeah. Tennessee, Vermont and Wisconsin. All right. So those are the hot, those are the, that's a good Samaritan law. Yeah. Well, and you know, I think nowadays too, people would go too far. So like I said, even on a 60 degree day, I won't leave the dog in the car without leaving the car on. Right. Even if the animal's freezing, because they're a tiny little chihuahua, I have to leave the air on for them Uhhuh, because I'm gonna be gone in the store for five minutes and I can't, I cannot trust that someone is not gonna freak out. Yeah. And do that even when it's not hot or sunny. Mm-hmm. And the car is cool. Right. I won't do it. Because I know someone will take it way too far. They'll break my window. There'll be a news story, I'll be on the news. It's not gonna be cool. Like, I have the whole thing planned out because I know what will happen. Right? The one time that it's not hot and I, if I tried it, No. So just don't try it. Right, exactly. You don't wanna be a statistic, and I certainly don't wanna be a statistic. Right. So if you were minding your own business and then you saw, like, especially with this weather and, and it is not necessarily just in a hot car, but in this weather how would you recognize the symptoms of heat stroke? What, what do you think it would be? I would say really excessive panting or lack of panting, like they've panted so much that they can't anymore and they're just like laying there with their tongue out. Mm-hmm. Lethargy for sure. Vomiting. So this actually happened, with a dog that I had. I had a Pomeranian, foster dog before Motley Zoo. Okay. So the moral of the story is Pomeranians cannot handle the heat. Right. I didn't even think it was that hot out mm-hmm. At the time. But she liked to run in circles. So she ran in circles, so much came in, drank water, threw up, drank water, threw up, and I was like, oh shit, this dog has heat stroke. And so I took it to the vet. And the rescue, I couldn't get ahold of the rescue person. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And she yelled at me and told me that I shouldn't have done that, and that she wasn't gonna pay for it. And I was like, that's fine. I'm not gonna let this dog die. Mm-hmm. And she's like, you shouldn't have let it out. And I was like, well, I did. I didn't know she was gonna run in circles the whole time. Right. And I'm happy to pay for it, for peace of mind and to make sure that this dog is okay. Right. But that is one of the reasons why we started Motley Zoo, because I don't think that's appropriate. Yeah. No, not at all. So that actually did happen to me, but the vomit. Drinking a lot of water and then throwing up. That's a, a pretty good indication that your dog's been out in right, in the sun too long. Yeah, for sure. But if they're in a hot car, I imagine that they're either panting furiously, maybe scratching at the window, or they've, heaven forbid they've gone into like like laying on the... Right, respiratory rest or whatever. So The most common signs of, heat stroke, heat stroke strikes quickly. Yes, it does. It's very fast and, and it's a total medical emergency. Mm-hmm. We're talking, you know, like multi-organ failure. Yeah. And even death. Yeah. You know, and it's, it's just fast and it's not cool. So, recognize the symptoms, right. Excessive drooling. Mm-hmm. Excessive panting. Mm-hmm. Like you said. Mm-hmm. Dry nose. And, and this is all in combination, right? So if your dog has a dry nose, don't start freaking out and being like, oh my God, he is got heat stroke. Right? Yeah. He needs more than just a dry nose. Yeah. And then you got your vomiting. Trouble breathing. Lethargy. Mm-hmm. Like you said mm-hmm. Disorientation. Mm-hmm. And unsteadiness. Like they're drunk. Muscle tremors. So some of these actually is when I tell Fosters, do not run with a damn puppy. Yeah. Because some of these signs are actually, it's not heat stroke per se, but it's like over... Exertion. Over exertion. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's the same because their body is overheating because you have forced them to do too much. To do too much. Yeah. So that means too that you have to be careful about what times you go out with your dog. Mm-hmm. And a lot of dogs will somewhat self monitor their activity obviously. Right. Puppies won't, but you know, like a dog, your dog might balk at going on a walk mm-hmm. At noon because it's too freaking hot. Mm-hmm. Your dog's like, no, I think I'm just gonna lay here on the tile. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So obviously, you know, taking your dog for a walk earlier or later Right. Or keeping it short when it's hot out(mm-hmm) is really important because(right) your dog can overheat. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Especially if it is a puppy or is a brachiocephalic dog. Yeah. And it doesn't even have to be hot weather. No, no. This is, you just like forcing them to do much too much overexertion. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the other symptoms of, heat stroke, Besides, being the drunken sailor of disorientation and unsteadiness, you've got your muscle tremors. You've got your diarrhea sometimes. Oh yeah. Restlessness.'cause they can't get comfortable, right? Mm-hmm. Seizures, like I said. The heat will get Miller going. And he's too stupid not to come inside. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. He's been having like more seizures and we've got the air conditioner in here, we've got all the fans. Mm-hmm. And then, you know, respiratory arrest, that's your mm-hmm. Oh, heart attack. Your whining or growling? Uh, mm-hmm. Yeah.'cause they, they're just so uncomfortable. And, discolored gums. Yes. They're whitish. Mm-hmm. Because they don't have enough blood and moisture and they turn white'cause it's like a form of shock. Right. Right. Yeah. So those are the symptoms of heat stroke. What do you do then if your dog has gotten into this state? I'm glad you asked. All right. So hyperthermia, which is the medical terminology for heat stroke? It's an immediate medical emergency, so, What you have to do is reduce their body temperature. And then some websites and stuff will say, oh, use ice, don't you ever, ever, ever. Mm-hmm. It's too drastic. It's well, yeah, and you know what? ICE can actually burn. So, mm-hmm. You need to slowly and controlled, reduce their temperature. And the best way to do that is cool water, make it cool. Not warm. No, not super cold either. Yeah. Because you're gonna shock their system. So it has to be cool water and then you can pour it over their head. Or wet towels. Wet towels, exactly. So, cool water. On the head, kind of like people, right? Mm-hmm. Because our temporal, veins are in our head. Mm-hmm. So when you do like a cool cloth over your forehead, it, you're hitting your blood veins. Mm-hmm. So cool blood has to go through. When you're circulating, you want to cool your blood basically to help cool your body. So those points would be your head. Your stomach. Mm-hmm. Your armpits. Mm-hmm. And your feet. Mm-hmm. Because remember, dogs kind of like quote unquote sweat through their feet. Yeah. And you don't wanna give a lot of water. Like, just a little bit because they would drink too much and then throw up. Well, right. And I mean, because you're like, oh my God, we have to, you know, like, get this under control right away. Mm-hmm.'cause you're freaking out. Mm-hmm. Don't freak out. Mm-hmm. It has to be slow, and gradual. I mean, not super slow, obviously. Yeah. But don't go from heat, stroke to ice, I mean... Exactly. Oh my God. Yeah. That's, that's what we're saying. So, I mean, like with people, we put it on our wrists. Yeah.'cause our blood, I, I run my wrist under cold water. You're car, I'm you're carotid. Um mm-hmm. They, yeah. That's why they have the neck. Yeah. Cooler things. Mm-hmm. And they work really well actually. Yeah. But dogs don't have that. But you know what dogs do have, they have, or the swamp coat. Mm. They have cooling, bandanas and vests. And mats too. Yeah. The reason why they call it a swamp coat.'cause like in the south right, you have your kind of like swamp ac mm-hmm. Which is basically, a chunk of ice with a fan blowing on the ice. Mm-hmm. And so it cools the room mm-hmm. Because you've got the ice water, like(mm-hmm) cooling the air, and then it's blowing that, so the swamp coats it's kind of like the idea of hosing a dog down. Make'em cool mm-hmm. And damp. Mm-hmm. And you put it on the dog. Mm-hmm. And it kind of cools them because, you know, we, you still have air circulating when they're running. Mm-hmm. Stuff like that. I think Outward Hound or something like, might make something like that probably. Yeah. And then if you're using, the cool wet cloths or whatever, you have to rotate them. Refresh them. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Because otherwise they're taking in the heat and they're keeping the heat. Yeah. Then they would radiate it back like a blanket. Yeah. So you have to keep making sure it's cool. And then, that's one of the, the best ways to get their temperature down. Mm-hmm. Until you can, if it's an extreme case, that's how you're keeping'em cool until you get to the hospital. To the, to the vet. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And then if their body temperature is too high, which we're talking like 106 degrees and it's prolonged(mm) you're gonna look at, you know, like possibly permanent brain kidney(Mm-hmm) you know, like some other organ damage Yeah.'cause of that elevated temperature. Yeah. Like the elevated temperature of your body, if it's too high and it causes seizures, it's basically... Frying your brain. Exactly. Your brain on drugs. Yeah. Yeah. So there's three stages actually of heat related illnesses. And heat stroke is the very last one. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But, and hopefully you don't have to deal with heat stroke, but we briefly talked about like heat exhaustion. Mm-hmm. But there's also heat stress, which is like, similar to heat, exhaustion. Well, and these are things that people can go through too. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And then heat exhaustion is a milder form(mm-hmm) of heat stroke. Mm-hmm. cause heat stroke you're talking about a body temperature of 105 or over. Yeah. Well, and for people you stop sweating. You're very dry. Oh, yeah. Yeah. At that point. Mm-hmm. You are in distress. Major distress. Yeah. So heat exhaustion is when their temperature elevated. Mm-hmm. But not over 104. 104 over. We're talking heat stroke. And then, you can offer them like, everything in moderation, right? Yes. Like you don't want to, make the cooling temperature too cold, right? Because you're gonna shock them. You don't want to give them, no matter how. Much they want to drink mm-hmm. Because they're so hot. Small sips. Mm-hmm. Like a couple licks and then give it a few minutes Exactly. And then a couple licks and give it a few minutes. Yeah. Yeah. If you give them a bucket of water, they're gonna drink it and throw it up, and then they're gonna be in worse position. Right. Yeah. And then if you have like a fan like around you, then obviously having them in a fan while you're cooling them(mm-hmm) is helpful. So we need to think about the, the pavement too. Even a light colored concrete sidewalk gets pretty hot. I mean, especially in Georgia with that Hot asphalt. Yeah. The black top the roads. Mm-hmm. The parking lots, they get really hot. So what's a test you can do to see if it's too hot for your dog? What a lot of people do is press your hand against the, I mean, and you saw me doing this when we were at the White River Amphitheater. Yeah. I was putting my hand down on it was because it was hot, but it wasn't, it was hot, but it wasn't sunny. It wasn't that bad. Mm-hmm. You know? Mm-hmm. But I was like, pressing my hand down on the pavement. Mm-hmm. I was impressed though, that the people there, were like, oh, do you need to, you know, drop them off because of the pavement? Like I was pleasantly surprised that they thought of that. Right. And that is a factor. So, on a really hot day, we do have to go and drop the dogs off and not have them walk in the pavement. Right, right. Especially the babies. Mm-hmm. Because you gotta figure, like the babies, their paws are not as calloused mm-hmm. As, an adult because everything with them, it's just like new. Mm-hmm. Fresh. Mm-hmm. You know? And then so, when you're walking during the day, and you press your hand down on the pavement, keep it pressed down for like seven to eight minutes. Seconds. That Oh, yeah. Seven to eight minutes just to sit there with your hand, like, like when people walking by. It's a good time to meditate, you know, and teaching your dog how to sit and stay, you know, seven to eight minutes. So basically we call it, it's a seven second test. Mm-hmm. If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for them. Yeah. You know? Um, and then, and then like I said, like. Puppies, even more so. So there are other things that you can do to keep your dog cool to prevent heat stroke, to prevent heat exhaustion. We talked quickly about walking and taking them for walks and potty breaks at different times of the day. Mm-hmm. When it's not so hot. Mm-hmm. always making sure that there's shade available. If there's not shade available, like that's gonna be a problem. Mm-hmm. Obviously always water available. But you still have to monitor that because, we had a puppy that just drank so much water, it almost died. So water toxicity, toxicity is a real thing. And if your dog, just keeps in the cycle of drinking water to cool down mm-hmm. Then it could potentially get water toxicity too. Right? Yeah. Then also where do you put your water, right? Like if, if your dog's outside and you put a bowl of water outside for your dog, like to make sure that, they're staying hydrated. Mm-hmm. Don't put it out where the sun is. No. Put it in the shade, but remember the shade moves. Right. So, you know, you gotta pay attention to that too. Yes. Yes. Because you don't want them drinking hot water. No. And you know, don't do strenuous activities like running or playing Frisbee or, or things like that when it's hot. I mean, chances are your dog are not gonna wanna do it anyways. If it's over 75 at the kennels, most of the dogs don't even wanna go outside. And we have, we have to make them. Yeah. Or some of'em, so they're like, I wanna be outdoors, but not, so their body is inside with the air conditioning, and then their head... Is sticking out the door. Is sticking out the door. Mm-hmm. So they're like, I'm kind of outside. So we keep it 70 degrees in the kennels all the time. Mm-hmm. So it's either warm or cool, depending on what's going on outside. And so the dogs always have that opportunity to be refreshed. They can go outside, still lay on the concrete, which is in the shade. Mm-hmm. Because we have a roof over it. Right. And then, On hot days, we just let them out for potty and... yeah. Like, you know, little 15 minute increments. Mm-hmm. Or whatever. But yeah, we don't allow extensive playing when it's hot. Right. Yeah. Okay. Like there are dogs who have burned the bottom of their feet from walking on the pavement. So you have to really, I mean the, the air temperature and correlation to the asphalt or the pavement is, in Celcius... I would say it's gotta be 20 degrees... It says here, so at 125 degrees Fahrenheit, skin destruction can happen in 60 seconds. Mm-hmm. And then, and then you're like, oh, 125 degrees. It's not 125 degrees, but did you know the asphalt temperature can reach 125 degrees only at 77 degrees? When the air is 77. Temperatures on the asphalt can reach 125. Huh? I would've thought about 20 degrees. Like I would've thought then the asphalt was like a hundred degrees or something like that. That's pretty shocking. Yeah. So I mean, but 20 degrees is kind of right for concrete. Oh, okay. You know, so like, for example, if the temperature is 85 degrees your concrete is 105 degrees, and your asphalt is 130 degrees. Mm-hmm. No, wait 120. Yeah, no, 130 degrees at like 85 degrees. So that's almost double. Yeah. Whatever. It's really fricking hot. It's 46.7%. Yeah. Yeah. Did you know that an egg can, fry in five minutes at a hundred and like at that 85 degree temperature? Wow. I believe it. Yeah. People do it on TikTok. You can watch. We, you know what? I've never, we've never tried. I've never tried it. I've never tried it either. Now I'm curious. I like the, I mean, I never wanna be in weather this cold, but where you throw a pot of hot water out the window and it just instantly turns into snow. Because it's so cold. It's that in Alaska? Yeah. Or like Greenland, Wisconsin or something. Canadians say maybe the Canadians. Mm-hmm. I'll ask Gary. Mm-hmm. I'll be like, have you ever thrown? Yeah. So, yeah. Um, and then, So we talked about concrete and cement, right? Cement, cement, cement, cement, cement. I love when you come up with these, you suddenly say something weird. I can say whatever I want, and then, okay. You can, but it's just funny. A Oh, who's that? I don't know. I went to the bathroom and I accidentally locked Axl out of the room and he was telling he was knocking with his paw. Yeah. Someone needs to adopt him. He's like an amazing dog. He's so good. He's such a good dog. And. He's not really a husky, which is like the best part about him. Ah, he's, he's got his leg, stuck in my bag. Okay. Maybe you're not the brightest dog, but you're the nicest dog. Yeah. We love you. Yeah. He's, he's the anti husky, like Tut is the anti Bengal, right? The lazy, clumsy Bengal. Yeah. That I have. He's... I mean, look at his coloring too. I know he can't be full husky. I think he is. I wonder what he's with. I don't know. Anyway. Okay. Back to the stories. He's so happy. He's like, hi, thanks for letting me in. Mm-hmm. Okay. Anyway. All right, so we talked about concrete and cement, cement. Okay. At 95 degrees, cement can heat, to as high as 125. You know what it's like pecan and pecan. Like pecan. Don't say that. No, it's not. No one says cement. Cement. I do. Unless you're an old man from the south. A cement, cement and burn hot in Georgia. Asphalt. Um, what? The king of the hill. I picture that guy going Cement. Okay. So when I was watching the King of the Hill, I was thinking that that main king of the hill dude was my dad. That's funny. I can picture, that's funny. I don't even know your dad, but I can totally picture that. Anyway, so blacktop or asphalt at 87 degrees can heat up to as high as 143 degrees. Sand mmm, at around 90 degrees it can get as hot as 120 to 130. So think about that on the beaches, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there were times in Florida where I couldn't walk to the water by myself. Mm-hmm. That's why you got flip flops. With flip flops. Yeah, then I wore my flip flops in the water and then I got totally knocked down. I was supposed to be holding Leisha up and I totally fell down. That's so crazy. And then this one, I don't know.'cause I guess we don't really have. A lot of 95 degree weather up here, but it says grass at 95 degrees grass is about 105 in the sun and 91 in the shade. Hmm. I don't know that I agree on. Well, I mean, I could see that, but that's within a realm of comfort for a dog. I mean, maybe not when it's super hot out, but mm-hmm. That's within their dog's body temperature, so it wouldn't be considered. Well, I mean, yeah, hot. Hot. It's hot. It would be hot for us. Yeah.'cause I mean, 125(mm-hmm) is when the skin will start mm-hmm. Burning, like their paws were. Mm-hmm. But still, I mean, I would think that the grass at 95 degree temperature would be too hot for a baby. Yeah. Probably. Maybe. I don't know. I'll have to ask a vet. any vets listening, that don't wanna hurt us, right? Don't wanna hate on us? Mm-hmm. You can hate on me. I don't care. Pate's in charge of all the vetting stuff, so. Yeah. Hate on me. I'm just the one that bitches about it more., So I mean, yeah, oh, he found the alien also. Did he get in your bag again? No, no. He's got the alien that's Axl with his totally entertaining himself. Yes. See, he's self entertaining. He's, he's so good. Someone adopt this damn dog. Mm-hmm. I love you, Axel. Yeah, he's a good dog. So anyway. Okay. That's it, Don't walk your dog during the day. Don't when it's really hot. Is the moral of the story. Don't lock them in the car. Don't lock them in the car. That's the moral of that story. Leave them at home. But actually sometimes, like your house can be hotter. So get air conditioning. Mm-hmm. Well, you know, with no units. Come on man. Think about a boat too. I mean, I go on boats and if there's no shade on the boat, I want to die after a few hours. All I wanna do is get off that boat and go in the shade. So if you're bringing your dog on your boat and there's no shade, think about that too. Mm-hmm. Like, I literally wanna die. Yeah. When people tell me they wanna take me on a boat, I'm like, excited. But I'm like, is there a cover? Right. Because I, I get so worn out. Yeah. I remember. I mean, I'm trying to think like when I was in Thailand and stuff like that, you know,'cause it's hot as hell. Like you would look at the street dogs and they were not stupid enough to be walking around during the day. I mean, and look at our rabbits and stuff like that. I mean, there's a reason that they go and eat at. Dusk and they go and eat at dawn. Actually, maybe it's'cause of predators, but nonetheless, they're smart, is what I'm saying. When it's hot, you know, but I'm thinking about the street dogs in Thailand and stuff like that, and I don't think I've seen too many of them roaming around. Mm-hmm. I think they're sleeping during the day, like a siesta. Mm-hmm. You know, and then they're out and about at night, you know? Because they're smart enough not to. Yeah. Well you have to like, It's like cultural. Like in Africa, everybody takes a nap in the middle of the day'cause it's too freaking hot. Yeah. So all the animals do. All the people do. And then... Have you seen the lions? What is he doing? I don't know. He's got a bone or something and he's got it under the bed and so he's making a clunking noise. Well, we're almost done anyways. Okay, fine. Remember when you were sleeping? All right, well, that's all we have time for today. My name's Jamie. I'm Pate. And this is our podcast Rescue Shit. Rock On. Rescue on. Woo-hoo.